AES, SHA-3, security system, encryption, cryptographicAbstract
Transacting online is something that is familiar to almost everyone in the digital era. The presence of digital transactions brings convenience in carrying out trading activities, but the use of the internet in creating easy transactions with several challenges in the form of hacking. In order to realize secure transactions, the level of protection on digital transaction service provider sites must be made as strong as possible to prevent digital attacks. Therefore, a protection system for user payment data on one of the transaction websites was created by applying the AES and SHA-3 cryptographic algorithm methods. The AES algorithm method was chosen because its implementation is not complicated but has proven its security, while SHA-3 is used to create unique keys from user passwords with the latest hash technology, so that the data encryption and decryption process becomes more protected because it uses the secret key of each user but not directly. The application of cryptographic algorithms will provide additional protection for the security of nominal user transaction data from cyber attacks so that the data. This research will produce a cryptography program flow with the Python programming language and examples of encryption and hash process results during program execution.
Transacting online is something that is familiar to almost everyone in the digital era. The presence of digital transactions brings convenience in carrying out trading activities, but the use of the internet in creating easy transactions with several challenges in the form of hacking. In order to realize secure transactions, the level of protection on digital transaction service provider sites must be made as strong as possible to prevent digital attacks. Therefore, a protection system for user payment data on one of the transaction websites was created by applying the AES and SHA-3 cryptographic algorithm methods. The AES algorithm method was chosen because its implementation is not complicated but has proven its security, while SHA-3 is used to create unique keys from user passwords with the latest hash technology, so that the data encryption and decryption process becomes more protected because it uses the secret key of each user but not directly. The application of cryptographic algorithms will provide additional protection for the security of nominal user transaction data from cyber attacks so that the data. This research will produce a cryptography program flow with the Python programming language and examples of encryption and hash process results during program execution.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Luthfi Assidiq, Fathoni Mahardika, Deris Santika (Author)
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