
  • Moch Fahmi Setiadi Universitas Suryakancana image/svg+xml Author
  • Encep Dedi Suhendar, S.T. Nurul Islam Vocational School Author



Implementation of IoT-based PLTS 600 WP , IoT , PLTS, bylink


This research aims to design and implement a 600 WP Solar Power Plant (PLTS) with Internet of Things (IoT) Monitoring at Mushola Ash-Shiroj, located in Kp. Ciodeng, Des. Selajambe, Kec. Sukaluyu. The frequent occurrence of power supply disruptions, coupled with the escalating PLN electricity tariff in Indonesia, necessitates an innovative solution. Through the PPDIOO method (Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, Optimize), this research plans, designs, and implements technology-based solutions to address these issues. This method aligns with the global government's call to implement green principles, providing environmentally friendly and efficient solutions. It is hoped that the implementation of PLTS and IoT monitoring systems will provide sustainable solutions for Mushola Ash-Shiroj and contribute to the broader goals of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.


This research aims to design and implement a 600 WP Solar Power Plant (PLTS) with Internet of Things (IoT) Monitoring at Mushola Ash-Shiroj, located in Kp. Ciodeng, Des. Selajambe, Kec. Sukaluyu. The frequent occurrence of power supply disruptions, coupled with the escalating PLN electricity tariff in Indonesia, necessitates an innovative solution. Through the PPDIOO method (Prepare, Plan, Design, Implement, Operate, Optimize), this research plans, designs, and implements technology-based solutions to address these issues. This method aligns with the global government's call to implement green principles, providing environmentally friendly and efficient solutions. It is hoped that the implementation of PLTS and IoT monitoring systems will provide sustainable solutions for Mushola Ash-Shiroj and contribute to the broader goals of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.


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Author Biographies

  • Moch Fahmi Setiadi, Universitas Suryakancana

    Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering

  • Encep Dedi Suhendar, S.T., Nurul Islam Vocational School
    Department of Computer Network and Telecommunications Engineering


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How to Cite

Moch Fahmi Setiadi and Encep Dedi Suhendar, S.T. , Trans., “THE CREATION OF A 600 WP SOLAR POWER PLANT (PLTS) WITH INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT)-BASED MONITORING”, JOCSIT .. J. Collab. Sci. Informatics Technol., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 43–51, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.69933/jocsit.v1i2.48.


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