
  • Muchamad Rusdan Universitas Teknologi Bandung Author



IoT-Based, Blynk, Room Monitoring, Security System, Wokwi


In the current digital era, the need for effective and reliable security and room monitoring systems is increasing. This research aims to simulate an Internet of Things (IoT)-based security and room monitoring system using Wokwi and Blynk. Wokwi is a simulation platform to test system designs and functions before real implementation. On the other hand, mobile devices use Blynk to control and monitor the system in real time. The proposed system uses an ESP32 microcontroller to integrate various sensors and actuators, including a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor. Through the Blynk application, users can monitor room conditions and security status in real time, receiving notifications when they detect suspicious movements or significant changes in environmental conditions. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system is effective in improving room safety and comfort while being affordable and simple to implement. This simulation demonstrates Wokwi and Blynk's value in developing and testing IoT systems, thereby reducing development risks and costs.


In the current digital era, the need for effective and reliable security and room monitoring systems is increasing. This research aims to simulate an Internet of Things (IoT)-based security and room monitoring system using Wokwi and Blynk. Wokwi is a simulation platform to test system designs and functions before real implementation. On the other hand, mobile devices use Blynk to control and monitor the system in real time. The proposed system uses an ESP32 microcontroller to integrate various sensors and actuators, including a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor. Through the Blynk application, users can monitor room conditions and security status in real time, receiving notifications when they detect suspicious movements or significant changes in environmental conditions. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system is effective in improving room safety and comfort while being affordable and simple to implement. This simulation demonstrates Wokwi and Blynk's value in developing and testing IoT systems, thereby reducing development risks and costs.


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How to Cite

M. Rusdan , Tran., “INNOVATION IN IOT-BASED ROOM SECURITY AND MONITORING: SIMULATION USING WOKWI AND BLYNK”, JOCSIT .. J. Collab. Sci. Informatics Technol., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 32–42, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.69933/jocsit.v1i2.26.


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