User Experience, Heuristic EvaluationAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the User Experience (UX) on the SITABAH website of the Sumedang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) using the Heuristic Evaluation method. This website is an important source of information and means of communication in the context of disaster management, therefore the quality of its UX has a significant impact on the effectiveness of communication and services provided by government agencies. This evaluation will focus on identifying existing UX problems, such as complex navigation, limited interactivity, and visual design that is less attractive and informative. By understanding and overcoming these problems, it is hoped that the SITABAH BPBD Sumedang website can increase its usefulness, attractiveness and effectiveness in conveying disaster management information and services to the community. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide valuable insight into the application of UX evaluation methods in the context of government websites, as well as providing real benefits for the people of Sumedang and local government institutions.
This research aims to evaluate the User Experience (UX) on the SITABAH website of the Sumedang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) using the Heuristic Evaluation method. This website is an important source of information and means of communication in the context of disaster management, therefore the quality of its UX has a significant impact on the effectiveness of communication and services provided by government agencies. This evaluation will focus on identifying existing UX problems, such as complex navigation, limited interactivity, and visual design that is less attractive and informative. By understanding and overcoming these problems, it is hoped that the SITABAH BPBD Sumedang website can increase its usefulness, attractiveness and effectiveness in conveying disaster management information and services to the community. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide valuable insight into the application of UX evaluation methods in the context of government websites, as well as providing real benefits for the people of Sumedang and local government institutions.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ronaeli Ronaeli, Fathoni Mahardika, S.Kom., M.T., Deris Santika, M.Kom. (Author)
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